You have a life-changing or business-transforming idea but are unsure how to bring it to market. Present your concept to our mentors and launch your idea with our support.
Life is too short to create products no one needs. Test your idea and minimize the risks of launching your product or service with our expert guidance.
Begin your journey by developing your product or service. We’ll guide you through the necessary steps. Let’s make it happen.
Your product or service is ready. What about your startup? We help you build the structure, teams, and much more.
Starting a new business brings new challenges. Be prepared with guidance from our mentors.
Everything is set, so let's launch your startup and demonstrate to the world what sets you apart.
Your idea or startup has been validated in the market and is sustainable, so now it's time to scale up.
If your organisation isn't growing and you're not attracting new customers, it's time to embrace disruptive innovation. We can help you get started.
Your organisation has no growth opportunities, you didn’t get new customers... Start with disruptive innovation.
Whether you're planning to expand locally or globally, we can guide you through every step of the process.
You have a life-changing or business-transforming idea but are unsure how to bring it to market. Present your concept to our mentors and launch your idea with our support.
Life is too short to create products no one needs. Test your idea and minimize the risks of launching your product or service with our expert guidance.
Begin your journey by developing your product or service. We’ll guide you through the necessary steps. Let’s make it happen.
Your product or service is ready. What about your startup? We help you build the structure, teams, and much more.
Starting a new business brings new challenges. Be prepared with guidance from our mentors.
Everything is set, so let's launch your startup and demonstrate to the world what sets you apart.
Your idea or startup has been validated in the market and is sustainable, so now it's time to scale up.
If your organisation isn't growing and you're not attracting new customers, it's time to embrace disruptive innovation. We can help you get started.
Your organisation has no growth opportunities, you didn’t get new customers... Start with disruptive innovation.
Build your organisation
Interim management
Extend your team
Advisory board member
Device management
Domain and mail management
Web- and appdesign
Legal advise
Optimize privacy
Security management
Ronny, one of the MJ founders, believes that each perosn should get the opportunity to start their journey. Thanks to his wide experience and knowledge in different domains, he is able to mentor startups to the next level.
Founder & Mentor